Great story, John! Brought a welcome smile to my face :).

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Thanks. I’m happy you enjoyed it.

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My God, they're good. I can only assume the reason your missive has gotten through to the fact that I have a draft of a partly-complete novel on Google Docs about gnomes/banshees/etc and therefore having already been exposed briefly to this world, I was given the ability to read your report about it. I had no idea it was so extensive, however. Here I've been writing about superheroes and the like when clearly the real menace was below and around us the whole time! *gasp*

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That sounds like an interesting novel. You better get back to work.

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Love the Ray Harryhausen cyclops.

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While I’ll neither confirm nor deny the veracity of this encounter, I will say that if such an encounter took place said Nereid would fondly carry the memory as well. And Polyphemus can pound sand…

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